Jonathan Gold

He was Los Angeles

Jonathan Gold was an American food and music critic. He wrote for many years as the chief food critic for the Los Angeles Times and also wrote for LA Weekly and Gourmet. He was also a Pulitzer Prize winner who richly chronicled the city’s vast culinary landscape and made its food understandable and approachable.

Objective: A passion project to reflect Jonathan Gold’s legacy through the lens of culture and sequential design.


The booklet contains a curated series of writings about Jonathan Gold and his connection to Los Angeles with some writings by his friends. The key points of the subject revolve around gaining a perspective on Gold’s writings, the historic dissonance between cultures in the city, and the beauty he found while journeying through it.

In a conceptual memorial event hosted by the LA Times, I designed a “Menu” pamphlet containing some of Gold's most popular reviews, a description of who he was, and the story of his iconic truck.

This pamphlet would be given out to everyone who attended, including a thank you letter and a menu listing restaurants that would be participating in this event, specifically ones that have been reviewed by Gold.




In the case that this was a reserved event, I also designed tickets in the form of receipts to reflect the work and playful nature of the iconic food writer.
